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Completed by Lauren and Jenna


1.     For the first link, you have a drop-down menu that lets you review other concepts in biology.  We’ll be focusing on DNA transcription and translation today.

2.     What enzyme promotes the reaction of DNA transcription?

RNA polymerase

3.     What molecule is being copied in DNA transcription?


4.     What molecule is making the copy during DNA transcription?


5.     By the way, what does “transcription” mean?

The process of making mRNA. The formal definition is to make a written copy.

6.     Where does transcription take place?


7.     In what direction along the molecule does transcription take place?

5’ to 3’

8.     For the second link, you have two investigations.  First, go to the “Transcribe and Translate A Gene” interactive activity. Complete the activity, then answer the following questions.

9.     What is a codon? How many bases (nucleotides) make a codon?

A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleotides that form a genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

10.  What is the “start” codon?  What does it code for?

The start codon is methionine and is the start of coding for RNA in the ribosome or for DNA in the nucleus. The most common codon is AUG. This codon is translated at the 5’ region of a DNA or RNA strand.

11.  What are the “stop” codons?  What do they code for?

A stop codon is also known as a termination codon that signals for the stop or termination of translation in a DNA or RNA strand.

12.  Where does translation take place?

Once DNA is translated into RNA then the RNA goes into translation in the cytoplasm.

13.  Using both sites, name at least 4 differences between DNA and RNA molecules.

Dna is doubled stranded, Rna is single stranded. Dna is stable under alkaline conditions, while Rna is unstable. Dna contains the sugar deoxyribose, Rna contains the sugar ribose. Dna uses the bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, Rna uses adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine.

14.  Using both sites, identify the functions of tRNA, mRNA, and rRNA.

tRNA is the link between mRNA and amino acids. mRNA conveys information from DNA to ribosomes. rRna is a component of ribosomes that is important in protein synthesis.

15.  Now watch the “What Makes A Firefly Glow?” animation so that you can see and understand the production of this protein from beginning to end.  Recall the 4 structures of the protein (review them if you’ve forgotten) and list them:

a.      amino acids     b.     ribosome              c.  DNA           d. RNA

16.  What is the enzyme responsible for making the firefly’s tail glow?


17.  What purpose does the glowing serve?

To attract males.

18.  On your own, discover what “lucifer” means so that you understand the name of the enzyme.

lucifer means “bearer of light”

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